Integrating Solutions Limited (ISL) are one of the UK’s leading independent suppliers of multi-functional photocopiers (MFPs). As an established and financially sound organisation, ISL have developed into a market leader within our field featuring an enviable blue chip and high profile client portfolio.

  We recognise that our business activities can have direct and indirect impacts (as well as positive impacts) on the environment and we seek to minimise these impacts as far as reasonably possible. We have implemented an Environmental Management System certified to ISO14001 to enable us to monitor, manage and reduce our environmental impacts.

  Our company is committed to:
• Continual improvement in its environmental performance
• Preventing Pollution at our own premises and where we carry out our operations
• Compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the industry sector in which we operate.

  It is our policy to:
• Make efficient use of natural resources and conserve energy and water, minimise waste and recycle where possible.
• Meet our duty of care requirements in relation to waste management by ensuring the safe keeping, transportation and subsequent recovery or disposal of waste.
• Plan our deliveries and customer visits efficiently and regularly service vehicles to maintain their efficiency.
• Work with suppliers and customers to raise awareness of environmental impacts associated with our products and services
• Encourage members of staff and our customers to feedback to management about the company’s environmental performance and to make suggestions
• Encourage innovation in our processes, products and service offerings
• Set environmental objectives and targets to ensure that we improve our environmental performance year on year

  We will communicate this policy to all our employees and ensure they are given appropriate training to raise awareness of environmental issues. We will review this on an annual basis, taking account of any changes within legislation and our organisation, and other factors.

  We will make this policy available when requested to interested parties including members of the public.

Talk to the Office Technology experts today on 0870 609 3605

Contact Us

UK Head Office
18 Muirhead Quay
Fresh Wharf Estate
Quay Road, Barking
Essex IG11 7BW

London (City) Office
9 Devonshire Square
Liverpool Street

Cambridge Office
Wellington House
East Road

Hertfordshire Office
Intech House
Wilbury Way
Herts SG4 0TW

Midlands Office
Edmund House
12-22 Newhall Street
B3 3AS

Peterborough Office
East Wing
Stuart House
St Johns Street
Peterborough PE1 5DD

Kent Office
The Panorama Building
Park Street
Kent TN24 8EZ

Notts Office
Unit 12A Newark Beacon
Beacon Hill Office Park, Cafferata Way
Notts NG24 2TN